An emergency asbestos clean-up has been ordered at Paulsboro High School in Gloucester County, New Jersey. A hot water pipe broke in the school’s computer network room, flooding the floor and filling the room with steam. The fifty year old asbestos floor tiles in the computer room began popping up, creating a potential health risk. The asbestos tiles were scheduled to be removed and legally disposed of Wednesday night in compliance with the Asbestos National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP.) Contractors were also monitoring the air in the school throughout the night to ensure that there was no danger to students and teachers arriving Thursday morning.
According to the EPA, more than half of U.S. school buildings contain asbestos materials. Asbestos-related diseases, including mesothelioma, have become more prevalent among school employees in recent years. A study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics indicates that elementary school teachers are at high risk for developing mesothelioma. The researchers found that 2.1% of elementary school teacher deaths were caused by asbestos-related cancer.
A separate study conducted in Wisconsin reported that twelve school teachers were diagnosed with mesothelioma caused by asbestos. Of the twelve, nine had no exposure to asbestos materials other than in the school buildings where they worked.
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires public school districts and private schools to protect school employees and students from asbestos exposure. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with asbestos-related cancer that may have been caused by asbestos exposure at school, contact the Shein Law to discuss your case with an experienced mesothelioma lawyer.
New Jersey mesothelioma lawyers at the Shein Law have obtained multi-million dollar settlements and verdicts for clients in South Jersey and Philadelphia whose asbestos exposure was caused by a liable party. Contact the Shein Law online, or call-1-877-SHEINLAW (743-4652.) Our offices are conveniently located in Pennsauken, New Jersey and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.