Asbestos has directly sickened many people. However, some may be unaware that secondary exposure can lead to asbestos diseases, such as lung cancer and mesothelioma. Secondary asbestos exposure is a real danger, even years after the use of asbestos was stopped.
Asbestos Fibers Are Not Confined to a Work Environment
Asbestos consists of tiny fibers. The reason people develop mesothelioma is because they inhale or ingest the fibers that are in the air. These fibers do not confine themselves to the workplace or the direct area of use. They can lodge themselves in hair, on skin, and clothing, resulting in people taking asbestos out of the workplace. For example, a spouse or partner could launder clothing contaminated with asbestos fibers. Asbestos could be in the air in the home, in family automobiles, and could be lodged in the spouse’s hair as well.
Asbestos in the Air Can Make You Sick
Spouses are not the only ones who can become ill from secondary asbestos exposure. Anyone present consistently around somebody exposed to asbestos can also become sick.
Women are much more likely than men to develop illness from secondary asbestos exposure. Secondary asbestos exposure is the most common reason why women develop mesothelioma.
One of the most studied examples of secondary asbestos exposure comes from Libby, Montana. Hundreds of asbestos workers in a vermiculite mine were employed by W.R. Grace just outside of Libby. Over 32 years, a total of 694 people died. However, only 87 people who died were ever employed by W.R. Grace. People in the town without connection to the company or anyone who worked there died from asbestos-related diseases. This suggests that no amount of asbestos exposure is safe.
Secondary Exposure Is Just as Dangerous
Secondary asbestos exposure is just as dangerous as direct exposure. There is no cure for mesothelioma, regardless of how someone was exposed to the asbestos.
A person with mesothelioma caused by secondary exposure has the same legal rights as a person with direct exposure; however, the case may be more complex. It is advisable to contact a lawyer if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and need legal help.
Philadelphia Mesothelioma Attorneys at Shein Law Advocate for Clients Who Have Asbestos Diseases
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or another asbestos-related disease, you can contact our Philadelphia mesothelioma attorneys at Shein Law. Located in Philadelphia and Pennsauken, New Jersey, we serve clients across Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Call 877-743-4652 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.