October 3, 2014 – A recent article entitled “Asbestos: The Killer That Still Surrounds Us” provides an important reminder that individuals exposed to asbestos in the past may still be at risk for developing the fatal disease of mesothelioma. Published in the London Telegraph, the article discusses the continued diagnosis of new mesothelioma cases despite the fact that the use of the dangerous fibrous asbestos building materials have been banned for use in most industrialized countries including the United States and Great Britain. The article also highlights many of the difficulties in making a mesothelioma diagnosis as mesothelioma symptoms do not develop until many years after the initial exposure and may develop in individuals who cannot recall when they were exposed to asbestos.
The experienced Philadelphia mesothelioma lawyers at Shein Law represents individuals and their families who have been exposed to dangerous asbestos fibers and have developed lung cancer, asbestosis and mesothelioma. The full article written by Harry de Quetteville can be found here.