April 23, 2014 – Researchers from Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit, Michigan, recently reported that a drug commonly used to treat the disease of alcoholism may also be effective in treating pleural mesothelioma, a malignant cancer directly related to asbestos exposure. Disulfiram, commonly known as Antabuse, has been used in the treatment of alcoholism, HIV, cocaine addiction, and some cancers for several decades. Using laboratory mice and human mesothelioma cells, researchers have discovered that Disulfiram also reduces mesothelioma tumor growth and is destructive to mesothelioma cells in test tubes. Evidence suggests that the properties of Disulfiram will make chemotherapy and radiation treatments more effective in mesothelioma patients. In an earlier study conducted by the Hadassah Medical Organization in Israel, Disulfiram was found to be beneficial in the treatment of lung cancer when used in combination with chemotherapy. Because Disulfiram binds with copper, which is generally found in cancer cells, it can deter mesothelioma growth by interrupting signals between cells. This chemical reaction is also effective in killing mesothelioma cells, which are usually resistant to traditional cancer-fighting drugs. Researchers in the study also indicated that Disulfiram prohibits the growth of new veins in tumors, which will also deter their growth. Additionally, when compared with the toxicity of other cancer drugs, Disulfiram provides effective results with little to no toxicity, which is imperative for those with compromised immune systems. The new information on the effectiveness of Disulfiram in the treatment of mesothelioma offers patients new hope, especially for those that are not candidates for surgery. Using chemotherapy alone to treat mesothelioma typically offers patients a survival rate of several months. Adding Disulfiram to chemotherapy treatments for these patients may result in a longer survival rate, with fewer side effects than chemotherapy alone.
Shein Law: Pennsylvania Mesothelioma Lawyers Providing Experienced and Knowledgeable Legal Representation to Mesothelioma Victims
Victims of mesothelioma and asbestos-related diseases are often faced with tough decisions. Deciding whether or not to have surgery, choosing a treatment plan involving chemotherapy and radiation, and determining how to provide for your family while receiving treatment can overwhelm even the strongest individual. The last thing you need to add is the burden of filing a legal claim for compensation. For over 30 years, the highly qualified and experienced Philadelphia asbestos attorneys at Shein Law have worked diligently to ensure that their clients receive the maximum compensation available for their asbestos-related disease. These reputable asbestos attorneys enable you to focus on your health while they advocate to protect your rights and the financial future of your family. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, call the mesothelioma attorneys at Shein Law. Offices are conveniently located in center city Philadelphia and southern New Jersey, providing quality legal services throughout the region. Call us at 1-877-SHEINLAW (743-4652) or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today with our qualified New Jersey and Pennsylvania mesothelioma lawyers.